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Encouraging Open Mindedness, with ACCA



ACCA wanted to promote that their qualifications allow students to remain open minded and relaxed about their career, given the range of opportunities available with it (i.e range of roles, industries, careers)


“Yeah but what about your five year plan?” is probably one of the most infuriating questions you can be asked as a student, if you don’t have one. For some, planning is crucial, however for a large majority simply focussing on getting a degree is enough. They haven’t sent off their CV to recruiters yet, not created a LinkedIn profile, considered when they’re going to married, and begun saving for a deposit on a property. 

It’s a really relatable topic amongst students, and one that identify with, and laugh at. 


So, we interviewed students from across the country who remain open minded about their future and their prospects, creating a Social Branded Video for our Facebook channel. 

In order to create a video that was shareable (our main currency for social video) we knew it had to be relatable, authentic, upbeat and funny. So we reached out to our student editorial network to help us find these people. We ensured the students were from a range of backgrounds, and studying a range of courses, to give a truer representation of student culture - from music, to economics, philosophy and law. 

We asked them a range of questions that we know students are familiar with; ‘how many grad schemes have you applied for?’, ‘do you have a 5 year plan?’, and ‘do you need a hand with your CV?’. Answers were humorous, insightful and honest, all linking back to ACCAs values and main objective for the campaign.



  • Over 132,000 video views on Facebook, tripling the set benchmark
  • Over 1,100 social engagements (likes, shares, comments)

  • Driving over 5,000 students through to the ACCA site

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