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J.P. Morgan: The myths and realities of investment banking


The myths and realities of investment banking with J.P. Morgan



J.P. Morgan were looking to attract grads studying non-financial degrees, showcasing the diversity of the roles available at the company


While a career in investment banking is commonly seen as aspirational, there are a lot of myths surrounding what it's actually like to work for one. It's these misconceptions that lead to students regularly ruling out a career in banking before they've even ruled it in. When giving advice, students always value the opinion of recent grads over senior management. 


So, we spoke to six of the top graduates at J.P. Morgan, to take us inside life at the company, myth-bust the industry and tell interested students how to nail an interview there.

We covered five specifics misconceptions that we knew impacted general judgement on the industry as a whole - it's ruthlessness, the necessity to be great at maths, the lack of FinTech opportunities, the need for on-the-job experience, and that the only available roles are in trading.

Alongside that, we asked each of the grads how to tackle an interview, as they lent their advice based on their own experience. We presented the story in a really high touch, premium Custom Branded Story, weaving in video and photos of the grads (taken in house) 


  • There were over 25,000 views of the story, with 400+ social engagements (likes, shares, comments)

  • Driving 2,000+ students through to the J.P Morgan Careers site

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