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Babylon: The Tab's Sexual Health survey 2018

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The Tab's Sexual Health survey with Babylon


To raise awareness of Babylon's services and encourage sign ups to the GP @ Hand submission form on their website


Sexual wellness is a huge topic and consideration on campus. It's a subject that some find uncomfortable to talk about publicly, but we take sexual health very seriously at The Tab, and it warrants attention


We created a revealing, educational, campaign on sexual health at uni through our own independent survey done on site, showcasing the effects it has across 25 UK universities.

First we profiled students about their sexual behaviour through an on site survey distributed to our entire network to understand the shape of the nation. Then we produced graphical results allowing students to split out our findings by uni and by category, displaying everything in a custom format complete with Babylon branding and messaging - driving a connection between concern and communication

  • The survey had over 40,000 views, driving over 1,000 social engagements (likes, shares, comments) and 300+ clicks to the Babylon GP @ Hand site

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