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Encouraging garment recycling, with H&M



To increase awareness of H&M’s garment recycling scheme, targeting 16-34 women


Increasingly, ethical considerations are a focus and concern for young people, with 1 in 5 claiming it is something they research before purchasing clothes. 85% of students state they're likely to buy new clothes to treat themselves, and over 50% are likely to shop spontaneously (The Tab's Fashion Survey, July 2017). As a result, they end up accumulating a lot of clothes at uni.


So, we wanted to create content focusing on these shopaholics, asking the young people with the biggest collection to declutter their wardrobes and throw away half of their items...

We sourced four students from across the UK, each with their own 'obsession' - stripes, trainers, jumpers and band t-shirts - initially inviting them to show off their range, before surprising them with a bin and a request. We captured their reactions and turned this into a Branded Social Video, distributing across our entire Facebook network. The video was co-branded and detailed the virtues of recycling your clothes in store at H&M

  • There were over 100,000 views of the video in total, with 84% of views coming from 18-34 women
  • Over 975 people liked, shared and commented on the video (27% engagement rate vs 6% industry average) 

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